Get this FREE Offer Designed To Help You...

Build A Repeatable Sales Process!

PLUS You'll Get Over $1,370

Worth of Pro B2B Sales Process Tools

For Free (Just For Saying 'Maybe'!)

All You Have To Do Is Say, "MAYBE"

And The Gift Is Yours... For FREE!

When You Try Out The Nest

You'll Also Get A Bundle Of Market-Tested Sales Process Tools

(That’s a $1,370 Value FOR FREE!)

What other B2B founders are saying...

"We built a sales team and 3X'd our revenue in just 11 months working with Kyle and his team!"

"After our sales dipped during COVID, Kyle helped us build a new outbound sales process."

"We built a repeatable outbound sales system that grew revenue 266% in 10 months!".

"Vouris helped us improve our sales performance as we scaled our team and raised our Series B."

We Want to GIFT You

Over $1,300+ Worth Of Market-Tested

Sales Process Tools…


When you say "maybe" and test-drive The Nest for two full weeks, you'll get access to a collection of sales tools we actively use with our private clients.

Combining the lessons you'll learn inside The Nest with the practical, tactical tools you'll get as a free gift today can transform your sales performance.

You'll get immediate access to material that'll help you plan, execute, track, and optimize your sales process more effectively. Plus, our training material inside The Nest will allow you to go deeper in the areas you need specific help with.

Think about it - our team is a diverse collection of sales experts with decades of experience, and we've built tailored, repeatable sales processes for 60+ B2B sales organizations across many different industries. We've taken what we've learned and turned them into frameworks, tools, and trainings designed for maximum impact in minimal time.

We've poured a lot of time and energy into developing The Nest into a unique coaching and training hub that's unlike anything else out there. If you're a founder with a sales team (or you plan to build one), this is a powerful path to high-quality, sales-led growth.

Sales Team Moneyball Bundle

This is a collection of transformative sales tools. The set includes material we use to help plan/forecast, track, and optimize the performance of the sales teams we work with. It includes:

  • The Sales Growth Model.

  • The Weekly Prospecting Tracker.

  • The SDR Forecasting Tool.

  • The Sales Forecasting Tool.

  • The Revenue Acceleration Model.

  • The data driven AE Coaching Tool.

  • The data driven SDR Coaching Tool.

If you're looking for a single resource that'll impact every level of your sales team, this is it.

At an executive level, you'll get strategy and clear next steps. At a management level, you'll get the type of coaching frameworks to help both the manager and the reps perform better.

There's a lot included here - but it's not overwhelming. Grab this download and you'll level up your team in a matter of days.

Sales Metrics Training

This is the recording of a private training I conducted at a special event for founders looking to scale through repeatable sales.

The session is built around two powerful tools - the Sales Metrics Analyzer and the Sales Team Calculator.

Together, these tools allow you to model out the type of sales team you should be building (ratio of SDRs:AEs) and analyze performance areas.

In the talk, I'll show you exactly how to identify your strongest areas (and double down) and your bottlenecks (and how to fix them).

Also, this model-and-optimization framework is adaptable for all sales team sizes, whether it's just one person doing the sales or a large sales force. If you are planning to grow a team, this is a fundamental process that will grow with you.

The Golden Call Script

My favorite cold call script! It's been tested by sales teams across over a dozen different B2B industries in all market conditions.

It's been used on over 3,900,000 sales calls....and guess what? It flat out works. This script is part of the training we conduct with many of our private clients.

I've received great feedback from people who've used this framework on their cold calls, and I'd love to invite you to it!

AE Fundamentals Training

We've created several standalone training courses, and the AE Fundamentals is one of our best. It covers everything you need to give your Account Executives with the tools and guidance they need to hit the ground running and grow in their roles.

Even highly experienced AEs who take this training have gotten tangible additions to their sales skills. The training comes with videos lessons and exercises for your AEs to learn from at their own pace.

Cold To Committed

Cold to Committed is my first Amazon best-seller, and it all started with the notes I took as I led and grew my first sales teams. Eventually, I packaged my experience into a book that's meant to help arm SDRs with the strategic know-how they need to become incredible "booking machines".

This digital copy of Cold To Committed will help your sales professional directly....but it's also a great primer for founders looking to learn more about how inside sales orgs work!

When You Say "Maybe" Today, You Can Have ALL Of This...

Sales Team Moneyball Bundle…………………………………………………………………………………………($500 Value)

Golden Call Script………………………..……………………….……………………….……………………….($250 Value)

AE Fundamentals Course…………….……………………….……………………….…………………..($500 Value)

Cold to Committed…………….……………………….……………………….……………………...…($20 Value)

Sales Metrics Training.......................................................................................................($100 Value)

Total Value $1,370

Get it FREE

So, What's The Catch ...?

It’s really simple - there is no catch. 

I believe the tools in this free bundle are so good that they’ll have a direct, immediate impact on your sales. 

Plus, when you spend two weeks test-driving The Nest, you'll see so much value that you won't want to go anywhere.

The bigger your results, the more likely you are to stick around and - when the time is right - maybe you’ll consider working with us at a higher level.

YES Kyle!

I'm ready to test-drive The Nest for 14 days FREE of risk (and I realize I'm ALSO getting free access to the Sales Process Tools Bundle - a $1,370+ value FOR FREE!)

All you have to do is say, "MAYBE" and the full bundle is yours...for FREE!

If You're Still Here...

You Must Be Thinking

"Is This Really For Me And My Business?"

Let me be really direct with you - if you're a B2B founder or CEO and you have a sales team (or plan to build one), you belong in The Nest.

This is NOT for you if you're looking for help with an ecommerce store, a DTC or B2C business, or any other function that's not B2B. We're specialists in this area and we'd like to keep it that way!

Here's what we ARE doing with The Nest: We're building the world's best resource for founders who want to build a repeatable sales process - the type of system that'll allow you to scale without ripping and replacing your model every couple of months.

And let me get even more specific here: I don't expect you to be a sales expert. In fact, I expect you to be relatively new at building a sales process and to need different types of support at different times. That's why we've built The Nest into a community and a home base for your sales questions, with levels of training and help based on your needs.

I also know that as a founder/CEO, your real job is running your company. While we're happy to build up your knowledge around a professional repeatable sales process, we also know that you belong in the driver's seat of your business. We're here to show you and your team how to build a process that will thrive in any environment - while still remaining transparent and accountable.

Whether you're building your very first team from scratch or if you already have a sales team in place, you'll find trainings and resources to meet you where you currently stand. And perhaps even more importantly, you'll get clarity about what you should be doing next!

If, after your two week trial is up, you decide not to stay on with us - that's fine! Grab the resources here, take what you learn inside The Nest for 14 days, and go ahead and build your sales process! On the other hand, if you start seeing measurable value right away and you want to continue developing your sales process with professional guidance....we're right here for you!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is this going to work for me?

I can give you the tools, but you've got to execute and hold yourself accountable. The tools in this bundle have been tested by dozens of sales teams and can be adapted to many different sales scenarios. I encourage you to try them out, adapt them, and remember - you have a two week free trial of The Nest, which is a great place to come to me (and the team) with your questions.

What is The Nest?

The Nest is our community of founders and CEOs who are scaling their companies with a strong sales function. Some have sales team in place already and others are looking to build their first team. The Nest is a place for these founders to improve their sales via courses, direct coaching, and live classes.

Is there a guarantee?

Good news - we usually charge for these products (the bundle is worth $1,370), but we're giving it away for free, no strings attached!

How long will it take for me to see results?

We're all about practicality - the assets you'll get in this bundle are designed to have a quick impact on your sales process and on your business. You and your team can dive into all of the material immediately and start implementing the scripts and trainings into your own process righ

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